Alumni Sandstorm ~ 06/20/15
3 Bombers and Don Sorenson sent stuff: 
Gloria ADAMS ('54), Linda REINING ('64)
Nancy MALLORY ('64), Don Sorenson (NAB)
BOMBER BIRTHDAY Today: Dorothy KEYS ('52)

BOMBER CALENDAR: Richland Bombers Calendar
    Click the event you want to know more about.
>>From:Gloria ADAMS Fulcher ('54)

Re: Friends

My sincere thanks for all the kind thoughts and memories of
Clarence. He smiles when I tell him about the messages but 
does not speak much anymore. He nods and goes back to sleep.

Our children have been a God-send for me. They have helped me 
in every way and continue to do so. We've been very blessed.

Love to all,
-Gloria ADAMS Fulcher ('54)
>>From: Linda REINING ('64)

To: Tom VERELLEN ('60)

I don't remember peppermint or clove toothpicks, but I do
remember cinnamon toothpicks, also buying boxes of cinnamon
sticks and sucking on them... think it was "all the rage" in
junior high at Carmichael. *grin*

-Linda REINING ('64) ~ loving this weather in the Boise area.
      temps in the 90s during the day and in the 60s at night
      is a welcome change from the temps in Bakersfield, CA! 
      my youngest daughter and grandson are here visiting for
      the month of June, and they are enjoying the cooler temps,
      too... it has been triple digits in Bakersfield all week.     
>>From: Nancy MALLORY Johnson ('64)

Re: A Bomber Mom has left us

I know many of you know the Fowler family -- I received emails
from the family saying Pauline Fowler suffered a stroke on June
4th while visiting Brian in Oregon. She passed away on June 16.
The family is planning to have a memorial celebration sometime
this summer in Richland. (This from Diane). Details will be
shared when plans are made.

-Nancy MALLORY Johnson ('64)
>>From: Don Sorenson (NAB)

Re: Hanford

To: Gloria ADAMS Fulcher ('54)

After reading your post on the 17th I've been thinking about
your difficult trials and wanted to provide some other insight.
Hanford is certainly a mixed bag of mystery to many folks. I've
read many articles written long ago describing its excellent
safety record and the on going attempts of improving the safety
of its operations. However, the results of those efforts in a
large number of cases have been heartbreaking. In the past 15 
or so years the culture has changed. One radical change (to me
anyway) is the lower radiation exposure limits that are now
placed on workers. When I hired on in 1977 the limit was 3 REM a
year whole body the extremities, I. E. hands, arms, were higher.
And you could take up to 300 milli-rem a week when the job
required it. With that being said the radiation monitors tried
to stay away from that limit. Today it is 500 milli-rem a year
whole body. It can be approved to take up to 1000 milli-rem, or
1 REM, for the year and in special circumstances 1500 milli-rem.
Those exposures include gamma, beta and neutron radiations.
Years ago that was not the case. Chemical exposure was
controlled in some fashion but only to those whose hazards 
were known. In the separation plants powdered chemicals were
routinely handled without respiratory protection. There were no
such things as MSDSs to inform the worker or exposure limits
set when they were being used. 

Today's Hanford worker is more informed about chemical and
radiation exposure because of the painful and heartbreaking
lessons learned from former workers, issues your husband suffers
from today. It will be interesting (kind of a poor word to use)
to see if the same plight(s) befall the current work force.

My post is not meant to defend the actions of Hanford. I hope
you don't feel that's what I'm doing. My heart does go out to
you and your family.

-Don Sorenson (NAB)
That's it for today. Please send more.